Frequently Asked Questions
How do I sign up my child for a class?
Welcome! Please follow the links on our website that will take you to the Classes page where you can view which Classes we currently offer as well as the descriptions and suggested ages for each class and if any have prerequisites. Once you have had time to look through and find one that suits your child, you can go to the “Join” Page to Pre-Register and to fill out a form for your child to take a Trial Class!
What if I don’t find a class that fits my child or our schedule?
We offer several types of classes on different days and times, but not everyone’s schedule may have availability for what we offer, and some children may either be more advanced than our current class offerings or they may even work better in a One-On-One setting instead of a group. If this is the case then we would suggest Private Lessons may be the best fit for them! Please check out our Private Lesson Page to learn more and fill out the form to get in touch with an instructor to set one up.
Okay! I’ve signed my child up for a Trial Class. What happens now?
That’s Great! Within a week, one of our staff members will reach out to you via email to confirm the trial class. If we are currently on a scheduled Holiday Break at the gym, you will still receive a response, but your Trial Class will be scheduled for once classes have restarted after we have returned from break since we wont have any classes going on during that time!
We received a confirmation and we are coming to our Trial Class, but what should my child wear?
We don’t require any specific clothing, though some children opt to wear leotards. They won’t need any socks or shoes since they will mostly be on carpeted areas and some of our mats and equipment are not meant for shoes to be on them, and they may slip if they are in only socks (grippy socks from Trampoline Parks are allowed but not required!). Aside from being barefoot and possibly wearing a leotard, our suggestion is that they wear something comfortable that they would normally wear to a Playground or when running around outside such as a loose t-shirt and shorts or leggings. We want them to be focused on the class and not what they have on! During the week of Halloween they are welcome to wear their costume as long as they can still move around and roll around in it.
How does a Trial Class Work and do I owe anything?
For our new students, how the Trial Class works is that they can come and take a class once, and if you decide not to enroll them, then there is no charge for coming! We just require each child to have a waiver filled out in order to participate. And if you do decide to enroll your child after their Trial Class, then the First Month’s Tuition and Annual Registration Fee will be due when they attend their second class.
My Child Loved their Trial Class! What can we expect now?
Awesome! If your child has attended their Trial Class and you have decided to enroll them, we will get them setup into our Online System referred to as the Parent Portal where you will be able to see upcoming info about their class as well as set up payments. Your Annual Registration Fee and First Month’s tuition will be ready to be paid as well.
There is a class that I’d like to enroll my child in, but its currently not available. What should I do?
Unfortunately we sometimes remove classes either due to it being the end of our recreational season, or the class suffered from either low enrollment or the class is full and has no availability. If the season is ending for the recreational class you wish to enroll your child, you are still able to set up Private Lessons with an instructor to continue working on skills for classes we aren’t currently offering. We also have a Summer Tumbling Program that continues during the Summer, and we offer a 5-DAY Summer Gymnastics Camp once in June and again in July! In the event that a class is removed from Open Registration due to being full or removed entirely due to low enrollment, we will suggest a similar class that we are currently still offering that will be suited to your child. If the time or day of the week for the other classes doesn’t work for you, we would also suggest looking into Private Lessons with one of our instructors.
How does Tuition work and when is it due?
Our Tuition rates are based off of how many hours a student takes within one calendar week, and then it is billed monthly. This is very similar to how Tuition is handled at Colleges, and the way that most other Cheerleading Gyms, Gymnastics Studios, and Dance Schools set their rates. For Private Lessons you may be charged $70 for One-Hour with an instructor and you must pay that price for each and every lesson your child attends, instead for classes we only bill you for One Class each month, and there is no additional charge to you for your child to attend that exact same Class held on the same day and time each week that your child is enrolled in.
For Example: If your child is enrolled in an only 1 Class that is 1 Hour-Long, then you are only charged for One Class Occurrence Each Month at a rate of $70 for every month they are enrolled. So if your child is enrolled in a Tuesday Class and that Class Meets 2 Times in December, you are only charged $70 for one class that month. The same if that same class meets 5 times in April, you are still only charged $70 for one class that month. If your Child is only able to attend 1 Class Meeting in a month, or 4 Class Meetings in a month, they will be charged at the same rate of $70.
Tuition is prepaid for classes and is due on the 1st of each month. It is considered late after the 10th of the month and is subject to late fees or automatic withdrawal from the class due to non-payment. The only exception is after your child’s Trial Class, when Tuition for the current month is due by their Second Class on that following week. Following this, Tuition will be due the next month by the 1st.
What is the Parent Portal and how do I login?
The Parent Portal is our Online Payment System where you can check your balance and make payments for your child’s tuition and any fees. We will use the information from the waiver you fill out in person for your child to participate for their first class as the registration information (so please make sure the information is correct). The email address on you list on their waiver will be your username for your Parent Portal Login. If this is your first time logging in, you will need to select the “Forgot Your Password / Reset Password” link on the login page in order to create a password for your account. Only one email can be used for logging into your child’s account, so if multiple Parents/Guardians will need to login to make payments, they will all need to use the same Email Address & Password. If you are still having trouble logging in, your account may be inactive if you have just registered. Please contact us to get it set up for you! Once you are logged in, you can save multiple credit cards on file, and even set up your account on AutoPay.
Do I have to Pay using the Parent Portal?
Not at all! We accept Cash, Cards, and Checks (made out to “Bow & Arrow”) in person during your child’s class time. We also are set up to receive payments via Mobile Payment Services such as Venmo, PayPal, and CashApp under our the Bow & Arrow Business Account Profiles. Please use your Parent Portal account to see what your current balance due is to avoid any late fees!
We have arrived early for class and it has not started (or their class has finished and we have not left yet), can my child play on the mats and equipment?
No one is allowed on the equipment or allowed to “tumble” in our facility unless they are actively in a class or a private lesson and working directly with an instructor and they must have a current and active filled out and signed waiver with our office.
This means that prior to their class or following the end of their class, they may not be on any of the equipment or on any of the mats or carpeted floors. For private lessons, they may arrive early and if the instructor has given them permission to stretch prior to their lesson, they may do so, but only within the same room and area as the instructor, in their sight line, so that they can monitor them.
During classes the instructors may need to set up drills and move equipment, at which point the students will wait as a group until they are instructed to begin again. Once a Class or Private Lesson has ended, the student may not perform any further skills or utilize any additional equipment since they will no longer be under the instructor’s supervision.
This is a safety and liability policy and there are NO exceptions.
What about their siblings/other children that have come to watch with me, are they allowed on the equipment?
Again, no one is allowed on the equipment or allowed to “tumble” in our facility unless they are actively in a class or a private lesson and working directly with an instructor, this includes all adults and children who attend alongside the student. Spectators (anyone attending with the student who is actually enrolled in the class) may sit at the parent viewing area or use our restrooms. All other areas are only to be used by students with an instructor.
We have decided to take a break and withdraw from classes, how does that work?
We are sorry to see y’all go, but we understand that circumstances change. You can let one of our coaching staff know in case you are looking to switch to Private Lessons, but please get directly with an Office Staff Member at the Front Desk in person during your child’s regular class time since they can take care of that for you immediately, or you can reach out to us through email or on Facebook Messenger and we will send you a response as soon we withdraw them from the class. After that, you will just need to pay any leftover balance you may have due on your account! If your child would like to come back at any point during the same season, they will not need to pay the registration fee again since its good until the next season begins.
Are there any other policies I need to be aware of regarding payments and attendance?
We have an Automatic Withdrawal Policy for our Enrolled Students! In the event that your child has either missed several weeks without notifying the office or payment has not been made on the account by the middle of the month, our system will automatically withdraw your child from their class to prevent charging them further for the next month. This is done to ensure we have available spots in classes opened up for new students wishing to join instead of holding spots for students who are no longer attending.
In order to prevent this, please reach out to our office if you have decided to withdraw your child or if they are out sick, will be on vacation or out-of-town for an extended period of time. We can put their spot on temporary hold so that they are not withdrawn from the class.
If your child has been attending and payment has not been made, you must first make payment for any owed balance and additional late fees in order for them to continue attending. Please reach out to our office if you need to temporarily withdraw your child while you get caught up on their balance and we may be able to hold their spot for the next calendar month until the can return!
Always check your Parent Portal for any balance due which may include Registration Fees or an adjustment in Tuition if your child has added more classes to their schedule or changed to a different class type that may have a different cost. We do not wish for your child to be withdrawn from their class, but it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to ensure that their child’s account balance is paid and payment is received in accordance to our due dates.
I have noticed the signs around the building, the wording in the liability waiver, and the Policies listed on your website, do these apply to everyone?
Yes! We will update our website, the signage posted around our facility on the walls and doors, and send out emails listing new policies periodically.
The safety of our students and instructors are our upmost responsibility and we want the integrity of our programs curriculum to be respected so that the instruction given to your child and others can be effective and enjoyed.
Attending Classes, Practices, and Lessons at our facility means that you understand all of our Policies and will abide by them or risk removal from our programs and our facilities.
I see other programs on your schedule such as the Hotshots PreTeam, as well as the Competition Cheer and Competition Gymnastics programs, how do I find out more information about them and enroll my child in one of those?
Thank you for your interest in our Competition Programs! Our Competition Teams require evaluations in order to join. Each program also has its own times of the year to which we do enrollment for them since they learn routines and must have enough time to practice those before they compete.
The HotShots PreTeam Program runs year-round and is our step in-between Recreational Classes and training to Compete at Meets. This group DOES NOT compete but instead will work on the skills they need to qualify for the Competition Gymnastics Program. They will sometimes practice alongside the Competition Athletes to get a sense of the training as well as to get accommodated with their future teammates. They also have the opportunity to order a Practice Leotard similar to the one that the Competition Team wears. If your child is interested in joining so that they may try out for our Competition Gymnastics Program in the future, please reach out to a member of our staff for them to be evaluated. Depending on whether they attend One Practice per week or Two Practices Per week will make the monthly cost range between $70-$110 each month and amount to a total season cost of:
$930 - Hot Shots PreTeam (One-Day Practice)
$1,410 - Hot Shots PreTeam (Two-Day Practices)
The Competition Gymnastics Program has invite-only evaluations in April, begins practicing in May and starts Competing in October and finishes their season in March. This program requires that members take at least a minimum one-year of practices in our HotShots PreTeam Program before being evaluated for the Competition Team, unless they have competed before with another Gym. These evaluations will determine if your child is ready to join, or if they need to continue in HotShots PreTeam for another year to obtain the skills required to qualify for Competitions. We have packets available at the front desk for reference and you can request to have your child evaluated for our HotShots PreTeam program anytime during the year.
The Competition Cheerleading Program opens evaluations up in July and begins in August and starts competing in January/February and finishes their season in April. Each Child that wants to join our Cheerleading Program will be placed on a Squad based on their age and skills. There are 3 Different Types of Cheerleading Teams, Novice-Level (Exhibition-Only), Prep-Level, and Elite-Level. Both Novice and Prep Teams will attend 1-Day Competitions, where an Elite Team will attend 2-Day Competitions. Both Prep and Elite Teams will be judged, scored, and ranked against other teams in their same division, but a Novice Team is Exhibition-Only and performs on the same stage in front of the audience like the other Team-types, however, they are not ranked against other Teams and do not receive placements. Instead they receive Performance Evaluations. We will have packets available prior to the start of the season at the front desk as well as evaluation forms that an instructor can use to determine which team would be the best fit for your child, as long as the enrollment period for the squads has not already closed!
Both our Competition Gymnastics and Competition Cheer Programs require hours of practice each week, travel to the venues (sometimes 3-5 hours away), and in addition to Tuition they will need to pay for their competition attire (unforms, hairbow, shoes / leotards, jackets) as well as miscellaneous fees related to competition costs. These two main Programs can range from a minimum of $140-$250 each month and amount to a total season cost listed below:
$1,595 - Exhibition-Only Cheerleading Squad
$2,225 - Prep Level Cheerleading Squad
$2,495 - Elite Level Cheerleading Squad
$1,940 - Half-Season Gymnastics Team
$3,000 - Full-Season Gymnastics Team