
Gymnastic Curriculum Classes

Cheer Curriculum Classes

School Cheer After Clinics


We at Bow & Arrow welcome everyone, regardless of the level they’re starting at. Whether you are just beginning tumbling or need to hone advanced skills, we are here to provide a safe and well equipped gym to do so. Get ready to have fun and cheer. Join today!

Classes are Once-Per-Week, but we may offer different days and times for you to enroll your child.

See the Class Descriptions Below


Gymnastics Classes


PreGymnastics Class

Runs: August 4th, 2024 - May 24th, 2025

Tues 4:00pm Wed 4:00pm Thur 4:00pm

Cost: $60 per month + $40 Registration Fee

Class Duration: 45 Minutes (once per week)

Pre Gymnastics is an introduction to gymnastics. We go over basic stretches and warm ups, as well as proper positioning and stances for floor work. We also have preschool sized equipment for younger gymnasts to practice skills on. These classes are a great way to start a student’s foundation before continuing on to either a more advanced gymnastics or tumbling class. (A Parent'/Guardian will attend with a child under 3 years of age and guide them following the teacher’s instruction.)

Ages: 3 - 7 years (Children under 3 may take the class with a parent’s supervision.

Prerequisites: None

Suggested for: Novice Squad; any new, young, or just starting students.

Developmental Gymnastics Class

Runs: August 4th, 2024 - May 24th, 2025

Tues 4:00pm Tues 6:00pm Wed 4:00pm Thur 4:00pm

Cost: $70 per month + $40 Registration Fee

Class Duration: 1 Hour (once per week)

Developmental Gymnastics includes floor skills and equipment based skills such as the Balance Beams, Uneven Bars, and Vault Runway. We go over basic stretches and warm ups, as well as proper positioning and stances for floor work. These classes are a great way to start or refresh a student’s foundation. This class includes Level 1 to Level 2 instruction for floor and equipment. It carries over the same principles of the Pre Gymnastics classes and adds on conditioning and skills.

Ages: 6+

Prerequisites: Preschool Gymnastics or Previous Class Experience

Suggested for: Youth Squad, Junior Squad; Beginning or Returning Gymnasts

Boys Gymnastics Class

Runs: August 4th, 2024 - May 24th, 2025

Tues 5:00pm

Cost: $70 per month + $40 Registration Fee

Class Duration: 1 Hour (once per week)

Developmental Gymnastics includes floor skills and equipment based skills such as the Parallel Bars, Rings, and Vault Runway. We go over basic stretches and warm ups, as well as proper positioning and stances for floor work. These classes are a great way to start or refresh a student’s foundation. This class includes Level 1 to Level 2 instruction for floor and equipment. It carries over the same principles of the Pre Gymnastics classes and adds on further conditioning and skills.

Ages: 5-13

Prerequisites: Pre Gymnastics (Suggested)

Suggested for: Beginning or Returning Gymnasts


Cheer Classes


Tumbling & Jumps Class

Runs: Year-Round

Wed 5:00pm

Cost: $70 per month + $40 Registration Fee

Class Duration: 1 Hour (once per week)

This class is an introduction to the floor-only version of gymnastics we instruct, referred to as tumbling. It is generally aimed at students looking to learn floor skills and jumps for Cheerleading Teams. We go over basic stretches and warm ups, as well as proper positioning and stances for floor work. These classes are a great way to start or refresh a student’s foundation. This class includes Level 1 to Level 2 tumbling instruction. It carries over the same principles of the preschool gymnastics classes and adds on further conditioning and skill.

Ages: 6+

Prerequisites: Preschool Gymnastics or Previous Class Experience

Suggested for: Level 1 Squad; Level 2 Squad; or any new or young students just starting out.

Frequent Skills in this range:


Beginning Skills

  • Backbends

  • Forward Rolls

  • Hop-A-Rounds

  • Cartwheel

  • Roundoff

  • Handstands

Advanced Skills

  • Handstand Roll

  • Back Roll Extension

  • One-Handed Cartwheel

  • Back Roll Extension

  • Front & Back Walkovers

  • Back-Handspring

Jump Skills

  • Stretch Jumps

  • Tuck Jumps

  • Straddle Jumps / Toe-Touches

  • Split Jumps / Hurdlers

  • Pike Jumps

  • Punch Fronts


School Cheer Prep Class

Runs: August 4th, 2024 - Feb 25th, 2025

Sun 6:00pm Tues 7:00pm

Cost: $70 per month + $40 Registration Fee

Class Duration: 1 Hour (once per week)

In this class the students will be taught a Cheer/Chant, a Dance, and they will work on their Jumps and Runouts to prepare for our Mock-Tryouts. During a Mock-Tryout the students will perform a Spirit, Runout, Tumbling Pass (if applicable), and their Jumps by themselves, as well as the Cheer/Chant and Dance they learned in class as a group. They will be given a critique sheet filled out by staff and rating for each segment so that they can see where their strength’s lie and also which areas they can improve upon. It is highly suggested that students attending our School Tryout Class either be enrolled in one of our tumbling classes AND/OR be taking private lessons from an approved instructor so that they can gain an upper hand at tryouts with an improved skill set. It is our professional opinion that students planning on trying out for school cheer start and take this class as early as possible to give themselves enough skills and knowledge before their own School Clinic. For select schools we will also offer After School Clinics on the week of tryouts that students can sign up for once it is time for their tryouts. Students are automatically withdrew from this class following the tryouts for their school. This program is expected to end at the end of February since most schools will have their tryouts by the beginning of March.

Ages: 10-18 years

Prerequisites: None

Suggested for: Students trying out for Middle or High School Cheerleading Teams.

After Clinics for School Cheer

Clinics will Begin January 2025

Each Week of Selected Schools’ Tryouts

Cost: $20 per Night

Clinic Duration: 1 Hour (per night)

Our clinics will run the week of School Tryouts for selected schools. The schools are picked based on the amount of students from each school we have enrolled in our School Cheer Tryout Class in the Fall as well as preregistration sign ups for non-students. The instructors will correct their Motions and Jumps and work with the students on the Cheer/Chant and Dance they learned during their own School’s Clinic. These classes will be held the same day following the School Clinic and will start later to give ample time for the students to come from their own Clinics, and may run late to not interfere with existing classes, and to give the clinic students enough time to work on their segments in a group as well as individually. Students attending these do not need to be enrolled in other classes at our gym, nor will they be required to pay a registration fee, however must follow the same enrollment guidelines as our Summer Camps such as: a filled out liability waiver signed by a parent/guardian, and pre-payment at the start of the Clinic. We highly suggest Students taking these Clinics have taken our School Cheer Tryout Class to develop their skills prior to the clinic since they will learn their Cheer/Chant & Dance the same week as their tryout and we want them to be the most prepared going into that week. Once it is closer to January we will have a plan for which schools we will be holding Clinics for, and you are welcome to reach out for more information!

Ages: 10-18 years

Prerequisites: None

Suggested for: Students trying out for Middle or High School Cheerleading Teams.

Clinics for Select Schools for the 2025 School Tryout Season will be listed as soon as each school announces them.