Private Lessons

$60 - 45 Minutes of Instruction Each Week (Pre Gymnastics Classes)
$70 - 1 Hour of Instruction Each Week (Developmental Gymnastics, Tumbling & Jumps, and School Cheer Tryout Classes)
$40 - Registration Fee (Individual)
$10 - Registration Fee per Additional Child (ex. $50 total for 2 Children; $60 total for 3 children; etc.)
Siblings Receive a $20 Discount off their own Tuition (ex. $70 for First Child, $50 for Second Child, $50 for Third Child, etc.)
$50 - 1day Camps (Christmas)
$95 - 3-4 day Camps (Summer Cheer)
$125 - 5 day Camps (Summer Gymnastics)